Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pheonix- Rising from Ashes

Can call it a distant vision,
Or could be merely a delusion,

While this head was torn in pain,
And this heart full of strain,

Something won't let you break,
That distant but placid lake,
Whose water so calm,
With the sun to keep it warm,

Yet, the night is still,
Frozen in the chill,
With a breeze waiting to kill,

Could you hold on your nerves,
For the one who deserves?

Does Dark and Deep,
Keeps you from sleep?

All perspectives so hazy,
Your wings go crazy,

Yet, an irresistible drive,
And a will to survive,
And just one lifetime to revive,

Could these be your beacon of hope?
Wonder, if that'd be enough to cope?

Yet, the heart will bleed,
Tis more than just a need,
All the stakes at this battle,
That could be a death rattle,

Or, would it be a bait?
Guess, the answer will have to wait,
Is it best to leave it at fate?

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